Can not insert a level from SSAS cube into Report Studio crosstab

You might run into strange Cognos Report Studio behavior when inserting a level of a hierarchy into a crosstab. First time you drag and drop the level it does nothing and the second time it would generate a warning/error that some insert operation is already in progress, like the one below:

These problems occur when your SSAS cube structure has been changed in some way. One example would be that the level you are trying to insert is completely new. The weird thing is that even though it is visible in Report Studio, you would not be able to browse for any members within that level - give it a shot via Analysis Studio just to make sure.

The problem is that when publishing a SSAS cube into Cognos BI, the Framework Manager stores some of the unique names and therefore this part needs to be updated in order for the new level to be fully functional.

So the solution is to make sure that every time you apply a structural change to SSAS cube, you have to recreate the FM model for that cube by removing the existing reference to it, running the Meta Data wizard again and finally re-publishing the package to Content Store.

After you are done with this refresh you will be able to insert the new level into the crosstab of the cool new report you are developing ;)


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