Upgrading large Cognos content stores

When you finally decide to upgrade your Cognos environment you will be facing the challenge of the Content Store upgrade. You have a few options available at your disposal of which most popular are to export the CS via Administrative Tools and import into a fresh environment same way and the other method would be to make a copy of CS database, connect your newly installed environment to the copy of CS db and start the services.

The first method is good when your Content Store is not too big. Then you get a clean new db, import all of the contents and all happens fast and trouble-free. However, once you start growing towards 2GB in CS size, all sorts of odd things start to happen and eventually your export starts failing without telling you much more. It just does not know how to handle big chunks of data...

So for the big ones we have to revert to copying the DB. The first time you start up your newly installed environment from Cognos Configuration, it will tell you that db upgrade will be performed. When that process begins, the countdown for service startup starts as well. With a really a big CS and a slower computer you might get an error saying that Cognos service could not start in time and a big red cross in your face. This is the moment when you need to breathe and relax. Check the task manager: is java process consuming one CPU core? If so, don't touch anything just yet. Let it work. Once the machine goes idle, then stop Cognos service and start it again. All should be just fine by then and you will be greeted into your new version of Cognos BI portal.

I have not noticed this odd upgrade behavior on previous versions of Cognos, but 10.2.1 did make fun of me this way. The CS in this case was just over 4GB in size. Well, so far so good with the new version.

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