Colors in Cognos Report Studio charts

Some of you are searching for ways to change colors in Cognos Report Studio charts. It is actually very easy to do, no matter wether you have a bar, column, line or any other type of chart.

First click on your chart so that all of it is selected like so:

Then scroll down in the properties window to Color and Background section. There you will find Palette option. Click on the '...' button and the Palette options dialog appears:

Now you are able to change the color values and move colors arround to modify the order they appear in; it is also possible to add new color values and delete unwanted ones using standard buttons. One more usefull thing is the copy/paste buttons on top of the Palette dialog. These allow you to easily copy a custom color scheme from one chart to another. Comes in handy if you have whole page of charts in a dashboard! It also works from one report to another, so you don't have to type those annoying little RGB values one by one ;-)

Enjoy your charts, no matter if they are bar, column or line... well, maybe not the pies though... ;-)

Click here to check out more about good looking charts.



Unknown said...

I don't have the "Palette" option in the properties of the chart.

Anonymous said...

I do not have that option either.

Anonymous said...

If you are using a newer version of Cognos (this was written a while back...) you would have to poke around to find the actual palette property. Some charts nowadays have it shown when the whole chart is selected (as in the above example) and others show the palette option only when a series item is selected. I will make an update for this when I get my hands on C10.x


Unknown said...

It will be shown when you select all items under "Series" in your page layout chart. I just found it and thought worth sharing this :)

Richiearora said...

Thanks a lot.

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