Time to figure out the truth!

Reading a lot lately about choosing propper colors for charts and propper charts for certain types of data. And as I almost thought that I know what I'm doing, a very recent event got me seriously confused.

So, to figure out what is what in the real world, I hereby announce this poll.

We have 3 charts displaying market split between 8 companies. Data displayed is year 2010 vs 2009 (2009 in brackets).

All I want you to do is to take a moment, look at the charts and pick the one that you think illustrates best the size of each company among competitors and individual company growth from one year to another (you can click on charts to see them in full size and focus).

Chart A. Collored Pie:

Chart B. Single-Color Pie:

Chart C. Bar Chart:


Which chart presents the market view data best?
A. Collored Pie
B. Single-color Pie
C. Bar Chart

Web Polls
Appreciate your time!

Conclusions coming as soon as there are enough votes to make a scientific guess out of this :) Current voting status is here.

In the meantime, here is a very related article from Stephen Few Save the Pies for Dessert

You are also more than welcome to express your opinion in the comments!

OK, the last thing you need to do- share this post so that there are as many votes as possible to make it more accurate!



shiny said...

I voted for bar chart, though it's still not perfect, maybe you could have bars of different colour for each company, it's just too green right now :)

I like coloured pie charts and usually they are easy to understand, if you would present only the market share between companies in just one period of time. But to compare growth and change between two periods it's not very helpful, there is no graphical representation for the change itself, one has to read tiny numbers in the brackets.

M said...

Hi shiny!

Thanks for your comment. I will follow up this post with my reasoning behind colors and chart styles as soon as the poll is closed. In the mean time I don't want to spoil anyones objective choice :)

btw, looked at your blog... you shouldn't mind green color! ;-)


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